Is DDosing Illegal?

There are both negative and positive effects of the internet, where it will connect your friend from thousands of kilometers in a fraction of a second or give you any…

Is It Illegal To Hit A Girl?

In the world of equality, everyone must be treated well and must be respected no matter what the circumstances are. Stating that it is also important for people to know…

Is it illegal to burn money?

Have you ever thought of burning currency notes even for fun? Yes, then, reconsider your decision and think Is it illegal to burn money in the US?  Is it illegal to…

Is it illegal to screenshot messages?

Have you ever wondered if Is it illegal to screenshot messages? Maybe you've seen someone screenshot a message and thought to yourself, "Is that legal?"  Taking screenshots of messages and…

Is Egging A Car Illegal? 

There is no definitive answer to the question “is egging a car illegal” as laws vary from state to state. Typically, egging a car is considered an act of vandalism…

Is Tping A House Illegal? 

Anyone who has ever been toilet papered knows that it's a complete and utter nightmare. It's the ultimate prank: wet, sticky paper plastered to your windows, doors, walls, and bushes.…