How To Check Iqama Fine?

How To Check Iqama Fine: Saudi Arabia is the most magnificent and eye-catching beautiful country. There are no words to praise the government of Saudi Arabia for transforming the whole…

How Much Money Stolen is a Felony?

Different states in the US have different rules regarding how much money stolen is a felony. The felony theft threshold in California is more than $950. If any person steals more…

Is Tping A House Illegal? 

Anyone who has ever been toilet papered knows that it's a complete and utter nightmare. It's the ultimate prank: wet, sticky paper plastered to your windows, doors, walls, and bushes.…

How long does a felony stay on record?

Felony is a crime that attracts severe punishment for the perpetrator. The person found guilty may not be able to secure employment in some fields or cancellation of the professional…